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 Client Advantages

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Staffing Needs of the Grid


Customer Service


Client Motivations


Client Advantages


Client Benefits


Client Rewards


Client Gains


Client Returns


Client Support


Client Choice                               


                       Clients of Merwin Group


Client Successes and Placements 

Clients of the Merwin Group

Merwin Group has worked with a wide variety of smart grid clients that span the entire range of functions from generation to  transmission and distribution, with  comprehensive categories of equipment, systems, design, supply, construction, commissioning, testing, interconnection and services. Our client list includes organizations of every size, from major firms to startup organizations

Client Position Placements

Smart Grid – Positions & Placements
Electric Generation, Transmission & Distribution

and wide range of positions across the Smart Grid of electric Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Systems, Automation, Protection and Control. Our depth of high Impact leaders and contributors enable us to attract, recruit and place professionals delivering skills and expertise in a broad expanse of functions, disciplines and organizations, designing, building, operating, automating and enhancing the Smart Grid.

Record of Success 

ABB Case Study

Merwin Group ws  initially were engaged to assist in staffing selected positions in the newly formed Smart Grid Center of Excellence. The Center and Smart Grid focus is provide a linkage of core products and services in Electric Utility grade Substations, Automation, Protection, Communications, Transformers coupled with the extensive advancements in all segments improving the interconnection reliability, availability and economies of power transmission and distribution 

Equipment - Systems - Service - Utility - Generation - Transmission - Distribution

Experience 1st Hand - Working - Managing - Leading - Developing

Multiple Organizations across the Grid 

Delivering Multi Million $ Profits


Consulting, Recruiting and Placement



Mark Reisner - Managing Director

215-699-7900       Mark@MWGSG.com

 North Wales, PA 19454